Five Ways To Increase Your Twitter Presence

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1. Put Twitter info on your business cards and other print materials

You don’t just have to promote your Twitter profile online, but you can do it offline as well. Put your Twitter info on all your print collateral. Just make sure you keep your Twitter page fresh by updating regularly.

2. Browse Twitter directories for people with similar interests

There are a lot of good Twitter directories out there, such as Twellow and WeFollow. First, make sure you get listed in these directories, and then spend some time browsing the categories for users with similar interests. Follow them, and many will follow you back.

3. Utilize the Hash Tag #

Some people search twitter through categories, so if you tweet about ‘furniture’ use the hash tag #furniture. If others enjoy similar content in which you have posted on they might follow you for more updates or even a conversation.

4. Join Twitter groups

It seems like almost every industry has some sort of Twitter group that meets weekly for an online Twitter chat. Find these groups in your field and see how you can get involved.

5. Tweet about trending topics

Keep an eye on the trending topics, and whenever you see one you can Tweet about, do it. People click on the trending topics and see all the Tweets about it. This is a good way to increase your exposure.

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