4 Ways To Make Your Pinterest Posts Viral

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Pinterest is becoming more and more popular and is a great way to spread your ideas as well as your blogs. With this, more and more Pinterest posts are becoming viral. A post goes viral by receiving anywhere from 1,00 to 35,00 pins. These posts can lead to new followers on your blog and higher positioning in Google search. Using these simple steps are a great way to spread your posts!

Use as many key words as possible
When creating a Pinterest post, try to use as many key words as possible in your title and description. This way when people search common key words in the search bar, your pin will come up for multiple key words.

Simplify your post
Although it is often times good to be detailed, lists are quicker and easier to read. People love lists so when people are looking through Pinterest they are more likely to look at a post that the can skim through and get the main idea versus having a whole page of things to read. Try using bullets to get your main points across.

Repin your posts
If you want people to continue seeing your post make sure to keep repinning it. Remind people that your post exists by sharing it as often as possible. This will introduce it to new people that haven’t seen it before.

Use text on your photo
When people pin and repin items on Pinterest they are scanning through a lot of thumbnails. Having text on your photo makes it easier for users to identify what an image is and if they want to repin it.

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