How to Increase Facebook Engagement to Drive More Sales

As more marketers use Facebook to drive a purchase, the number of Facebook posts from brands has increased accordingly. More posts, however, do not mean higher levels of engagement. This BuzzSumo study shows that engagement has fallen by 20% since early 2017. But not all companies have seen this drop in engagement. You can make […]
What Marketers Post vs. What Customers Want to Hear

Ms. Jones is craving a certain type of conversation…are we engaging enough to catch her? Just because someone owns market share doesn’t mean that they own the market on what a customer desires to hear. They just happen to be there first. As I frequent the internet searching big marketing stats you can imagine I […]
Quit looking outside your company for your social media solution
Approximately one in five potential clients we talk to mention that they are looking for someone to fix their social media or tell them how they can get better at it. The potential client often believes that they need an external force who can both advise and implement that solution. This article is going to […]
The Rise of Content Marketing
Content marketing used to be comprised of only a small group of bloggers and YouTube enthusiasts. According to a 2012 study by AOL (a popular Internet service provider) and Nielsen (a leading global information and measurement company, provides market research, insights & data), 27,000,000 pieces of content are shared every day. Content has turned from […]
How to Use Instagram in Your Marketing
Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters and share them on a variety of social networks. But did you know that Instagram can be a great marketing tool for your business? Here are four great ways to utilize Instagram in […]
Five Ways To Increase Your Twitter Presence
1. Put Twitter info on your business cards and other print materials You don’t just have to promote your Twitter profile online, but you can do it offline as well. Put your Twitter info on all your print collateral. Just make sure you keep your Twitter page fresh by updating regularly. 2. Browse Twitter directories […]
4 Ways To Make Your Pinterest Posts Viral
Pinterest is becoming more and more popular and is a great way to spread your ideas as well as your blogs. With this, more and more Pinterest posts are becoming viral. A post goes viral by receiving anywhere from 1,00 to 35,00 pins. These posts can lead to new followers on your blog and higher […]
Promote to Mobile Users
You’re already using social media to interact with customers and now you want to make some sales. Social media is a great way for small businesses to interact with their customers and promote sales, but do not limit yourself to just those desktop users. In 2011, The Mobile Marketing Association of Asia stated, that out […]
Facebook Gifts
Facebook is doing away with virtual gifting and saying hello to actual real Gifts, Facebook’s new mobile revenue stream. It is the company’s major initiative into the world of social gift giving and e-commerce. It’s a major undertaking for Facebook, tackling an entire new segment of online commerce and adding a brand new revenue stream […]
Pinterest – is it good for your brand?
Over the years, there have been numerous social media outlets – some that make sense to use for your brand such as Facebook and Twitter, the others, we’re not so certain on. The newest rave in social media the past two years has been Pinterest. At first, we weren’t sure how this would work for […]