9 Amazing Mobile Marketing Statistics

1. The growth of the iPhone was 10 times faster than the growth of America Online. (Source: Nielsen) (This is an amazing statistic for those of us who remember mailboxes stuffed with AOL discs during the 1990s.) 2. It takes 26 hours for the average person to report a lost wallet. It takes 68 minutes […]

What’s the future hold for Facebook?

With Facebook’s recent announcement to become a traded company and the rise and fall of their stock, many are asking the question, “Will Facebook become the next MySpace?” R&A hears this question from retailers and manufacturers every day, “Should I really invest the time, energy and money into something that might die in 1, 2, […]

What the heck is Twitter?

Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and micro blogging service, enabling its users to send and read other users’ messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user’s profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default, however senders can […]

Smartphone Adoption

The most popular mobile platform–according to those polled–is Android, with 35 percent (among smartphone owners), followed by iPhone and BlackBerry with 24 percent, and Palm and Windows below 10 percent. Pew notes, “Android phones are especially common among young adults and African Americans, while iPhones and BlackBerry devices are most prevalent among college graduates and […]

4 Really Fun Marketing Ideas

1. Question and Answer or Joke QR Codes. Knock Knock? Who’s there? Find out by scanning this QR code. 2. Playing A Game Play a game with your customers. Putting a game layer over top of activities in the real world. Imagine collecting XP points for completing tasks such as getting coffee or going to […]

Quick-Fire Marketing – Bedding Is Booming

Ignite your marketing with mattress dedicated advertising and online traffic to drive sales Bedding is Booming: As expected, bedding and mattresses continue to be a very strong category among retailers. It’s also a sure-fire category to leverage some old-school media to help drive results. Utilize newspaper ads and circulation distribution via the newspaper to help […]

Simple Steps to Improve your Facebook Page

Of course you want your Facebook marketing and communication campaign to be successful, but first you’ve got to be likeable! Below are the 11 ways to generate more likes, clicks and fan interaction to build a powerful sales channel for your business: 1. Share Pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words. In fact, 750 […]

Simple Steps to Improve your Facebook Page and Sell More

Of course you want your Facebook marketing and communication campaign to be successful, but first you’ve got to be likeable! Below are the top-12 ways to generate more likes, clicks and fan interaction to build a powerful sales channel for your business: 1. Use a Landing Tab to Offer a Compelling Reason for People to […]

How to Grow Your Business Through Social Media

“How to Grow Your Business Through Social Media” Do me a favor. Grab a sheet of paper and pencil. Go to your desk, the bathroom, outside, or wherever you think the best and write down five ways you think you can sell your product through social media. You got it? Great! Now throw it away. […]

How do you combine online and offline media to bring success?

How do you combine online and offline media to bring success? In my previous blog, we discussed the benefits to both online and offline marketing methods. In this blog, we will discuss using both offline and online strategies that will help bring your company success. Sounds impossible, but it’s not. Potential clients will always look […]

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