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Some of you are blessed with balmy yuletides and fresh fruit in February. Many of you are already experiencing the first glimpses of springtime, if you even had what you refer to as winter. Here in the frozen tundra of central Ohio, we know winter. We’ve used up our allotted calamity days at school and we’ve shoveled our share of show. We’ve worn winter coats over our Easter dresses and hunted eggs in the snow, but when our spring arrives it is truly glorious. We get our shorts out when temps hit fifty. The rare glimpse of sunshine and each returning robin are celebrated.

March has roared in like a lion with her usual bravado by closing down the eastern seaboard. It’s likely her last hurrah and she’s determined to make it a big one. Since you’re not in the business of selling snow shovels, your store should feel like sunshine and daffodils every time Ms. Jones ventures in.

How do you make that happen?

How do you cast off the winter blues and rise to greet her with a smile?  How do you freshen your floor?   How do you excite her with a service or policy that’s modern and new?   How are you refreshingly transparent and vulnerable with her?

How do you help her bring your store’s springtime into her own home?

March will go out like a lamb. Spring is coming. That’s a promise. Can you make Ms. Jones believe it? Can you make her feel the warm sunshine on her face?

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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