So this is 40 uh? The Introduction

R&A Marketing 40th Anniversary

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May marks the celebration of 40 years of R&A Marketing. Over the course of this month we will be talking through the seminal moments that lead to the R&A you know today. Today we explore what to expect over the next month of R&A History.

I have always wanted to be associated with R&A Marketing. My favorite thing to do when Dad got home from work each day was to ask “We make any money today?”. As a young person, that question would be levied with “yes or no”. As I grew older, that question got to be answered with “Coconis paid today or Hansbarger’s paid today”. Then as I reached the you can handle this stage the dollars deposited would be delivered in a masterclass of explaining how we make money.

R&A was not intended to be a family business. Rick Doran would let you know that even if you barely knew him. The goal was to be retired by 2010. Spend the years after his children were done with college in pure retirement bliss. However, what became your business that ushered in that dream lead to the undoing of that dream with the sub prime fallout meant that dream went away. The pivot that occurred was a little bit of a luck, some absolute faith and some 2nd generation passion that allowed for some new creative ways of thinking.

Over the next 6 weeks we will be sharing 6 key moments that lead to the R&A you see today. In their moments of time, they all seemed like trivial occurrences that are just “what you do” to get to the next move in business. However upon reflection, those moments helped lead to the 2nd generation marketing company you see today.

Part 1 – So you want to be my ad guy uh? – May 11

Part 2 – If you can’t see the fashion it ain’t worth it! – May 18

Part 3 – He’s the cheapest and most passionate option you got – May 25

Part 4 – Yea he can play with his little social toys – June 1st

Part 5 – You get my customer. Can you make it work online? – June 8th

Part 6 – How bad do you want this boys? – June 15th

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