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In the Jungian world of psychology (don’t worry, you don’t need to know what that means), a persona is the face you show the world.

In your store, a persona is a fictional customer based non-fictional data (yes, you do need to know what this means). At R&A Marketing, we’ve named this persona “Ms. Jones,” and you may have been introduced to her in a mind-boggling presentation of stories, charts, maps and lists customized for your marketplace. Once you’ve met Ms. Jones, you can talk her talk and walk her walk. You can gear your marketing to her mind using the media she likes… not to mention that you can sell what she wants to buy and offer it at the price she can afford to pay. It’s useful stuff to know.

This isn’t a sales pitch if you’re one of the companies that has decided you’d rather not Meet Ms. Jones™.
But if you haven’t, who are you working for? Who is your customer? What makes her happy? What presses her buttons? What does she drive, and why should you care?

Do you cater to the woman she really is, or the woman you think she is? Or are you still selling to the woman you would like her to be, like the proverbial man who bought his wife lingerie two sizes too small?

If it doesn’t fit, she won’t wear it – and she’ll be more than a little miffed.

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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