Who’s stealing your thunder?
Two years ago Ohio State Basketball was going to championships but now is best known for a no name, under performing benchwarmer.
There is a blog called Club Trillion. It is authored by Mark Titus, a basketball player for Ohio State. It began in November 2008. Titus has been writing 6-8 posts per month recapping his experiences, as he calls it, being the “trillion stat line”: 1 min played, 000 points, 000 rebounds, and 000 assists for a total of 1,000,000,000 trillion (hence the name “Club Trillion”).
Ohio State finished 22-11 and lost in the first round of the NCAA tournament. This was partly due to what many experts called “immaturity, lack of focus, and not enough talent” but Club Trillion has prospered. At last check there have been: 994,252 visitors since 11/3/2008, stories and references written about Titus on ESPN, numerous local news reports, 8 of the top 10 true organic searches, facebook pages, and much more.
What is the point? Titus is the “trillion stat line” off the bench on a team with more talented players than himself but he has become the face of the team. All he did was talk and share.
Who’s the “trillion stat line” retailer in your area? Who is stealing business form your company just because they are doing the talking and sharing on the web?
Ms. Jones wants to be talked to. She wants you to share with you. She wants her retailer to be real. WE all have that power that Mark Titus and others have found—so does the “trillion stat line” retailer off the bench in your marketplace.