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Bought some movie tickets online the other day, a modern-day marvel that still amazes me. We bypassed the long lines to the sold-out show and even entered the theater through a special door just for smart people like us. By the time we got home there was a thank you note in my inbox and a survey asking how we enjoyed the experience.

The email addressed me by name and offered me “the opportunity to have my opinions and preferences heard directly by Hollywood decision makers.”

Boy, did I feel powerful! You bet I took their survey, which was short and simple. They asked what previews I remembered and if I liked the movie and the theater. Last time I checked there were 716 pages of comments just like mine posted for all the world to see.

Now I know this is all automated and anonymous; it’s not like Steven Spielberg wrote me a letter (good thing, because I happened to find the movie disappointing). But people still want to be asked, and they will answer. The generation coming of age today is not amazed by online expedience but they will not tolerate offline ineptitude.

You probably don’t have the internet presence or ad budget of a major movie studio. But how can you creatively connect with Ms. Jones and let her roar?

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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