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Let me guess: your New Year’s Resolutions included spending more time with family and friends, exercising, losing weight, quitting smoking or drinking, reducing stress, saving money or paying off debt, learning something new, helping others, and getting organized.

My New Year’s Resolutions are usually found on this list, too – but I didn’t even bother with resolutions this year. 2009 was so full of goals, deadlines and milestones that my head is still spinning. I would be happy to chuck my calendar, my scale and my checkbook in 2010. (I quit wearing a watch a long time ago.) Oh, I still have some things I’m going to get done this year – I just don’t want to stay up until 2:00 am doing them.

How about you? Are you ready to relax in 2010? Did you strive and stretch yourself to your limit in 2009, are you ready to sail on the wind you created? Or maybe you spent 2009 spinning your wheels, unable to get any traction, and now you’re rip roaring to go – take the new year by the horns and make something happen.

What are your personal goals for 2010? What are your goals for your company? Does your entire team know your hopes, dreams and expectations? Are your goals “me” centered or “we” centered? What do you think Ms. Jones has resolved this year? Do you think she’s thinking about 99 years free financing or spending time with her family?  Which hook do you think would get her attention?

Whether your resolutions are silly or intense, corporate or personal, public or private – we wish you and your families a blessed New Year.

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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