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Why do you put your two cents in, but you only get a penny for your thoughts? Where does that extra penny go?

If you’ve got pennies to spare and something to say, you can start a blog, leave feedback, post comments, “contact us,” fill out a comment card (online or in person), phone a friend, send an instant message, upload a podcast, post your video online (straight from your cell phone), pick up the red phone or write a letter.

CNN features viewer comments as a regular part of their major programming. Larry King lets plain ole’ people pose their prying questions. The candidateswant to hear from you. You can even email the President at Really. Try it.

This is an undeniable trend that’s on its way to becoming an inalienable right. Everyone wants their voice to be heard.

Ms. Jones is no different. You’ve already acquiesced to her demand for customization and personalization. She wants her sofa like Sinatra: my way. Have you felt her need for input? Does she want to have a say so in how you run your show? Is she becoming as vocal as an American Idol?
Are you prepared to hand her the mike?

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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