Pinterest – is it good for your brand?

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Over the years, there have been numerous social media outlets – some that make sense to use for your brand such as Facebook and Twitter, the others, we’re not so certain on. The newest rave in social media the past two years has been Pinterest.

At first, we weren’t sure how this would work for brands, we couldn’t figure out how our clients could use Pinterest. But, then it all went back to the phrase – “a picture is worth a thousand words.” And it all made sense. A different way to promote your brand by using imagery instead of words came in to play. Pinterest opened up a whole new world of promoting one’s brand, allowing brands to really showcase their services on a different level.

At this point in time, ask yourself – are you on Pinterest, if not – why not? If you have a product that you can display, this is the perfect place to display it! Pinterest has social plugins you can use for your website, allowing your customers to pin your items to their Pinterest boards, it allows you to cross-promote from Facebook, Twitter or wherever your customers are actively discussing your brand.

More and more brands and businesses are starting to use Pinterest. The majority of the activity we see for our clients is coming from the customer actually pining directly from the clients website and also repining is being pined from our client. As this activity continued to grow it became more apparent that there was a need to gap the profile activity of the brands and pins from the brands website to help connect brands to their customers. To do this Pinterest decided it was time to add that extra verification step.

Many might think it’s a pain to add an extra verification step, however this is an important step to add. It will help maintain the authenticity and credibility of your brand, so you customers know it’s your brand they are pinning. We all know how much spam there is in the online world, this is one way to remove the fears of being spammed.

Right now, Pinterest is offering this service to top-level domains such as Ebay, Etsy, and more. As Pinterest continues to develop, this feature will be for all brands and users to use.

At the end of the day, who wouldn’t want to take that extra step to protect their brand?

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