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Christmas is only 65,647 minutes away. That’s 1,094 hours, or 46 days. With childlike enthusiasm, some people count the seconds until the commercially-celebrated, ad-nauseated, gift-giving extravaganza. Others, with grown up anxieties and full-grown bills, dread the holidays.

Our daughter recently wistfully sighed, “I don’t think you can even explain what Christmas is like to someone who’s never had one.” I recently remarked to my husband that we might have to do Christmas a little differently this year because both our parents may be travelling.

I think my thinking is deltasone online all mixed up. You can’t “have” Christmas, like a possession or a party. You can’t “do” it, like a duty or a date for lunch. Shouldn’t we give Christmas, like the precious gift that inspired the gala? Shouldn’t we be Christmas, shining peace, love and joy like the light from a wondrous star?

What’s the heart of your company toward giving? Do you quietly give all year long, or do you make an ostentatious (and tax-deductible) gift in the 4th quarter? While only you know your motive, this time of year is an especially meaningful and essential time to help families in your community and your company. Ms. Jones loves to make a difference in her community, and she loves doing business with companies who feel the same way. Can you partner with a toy drive or a canned food drive? Can you help someone in your own company who is struggling this year?

How are you giving this year? You’ve got 3,937,926… 3,937,925… 3,937,924 seconds to decide.

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To sum up our thoughts each and every week, our CEO Kyle Doran, has decided to drop a #SumItUpSaturday that helps paint a picture on where we are heading in this year.

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